Welcome to Heichal HaTorah!
Ten years ago, we had a dream and, Baruch Hashem, it has come to fruition! Our cherished graduates have distinguished themselves in their communities as fine young men of exemplary character, learning away hour after hour in the Bais Medrash. These budding talmidei chachamim are now learning in some of the most prominent yeshivos in Israel. Many have returned to the United States to pursue college degrees and continue their Torah learning – at the Heichal Bais Medrash & College Program, Lander College, Yeshiva University and Ner Yisroel, many with significant academic scholarships. We have this same hope and vision for all of our 200+ talmidim.
“The passion for Torah among our talmidim is palpable in the exciting Kol Torah that can be heard in the Heichal Bais Medrash each day. ”
At Heichal, we focus on encouraging our young men to grow in their davening and avodas Hashem. Our outstanding team of twenty rebbeim, led by Rav Avi Oberlander, Judaic Studies Principal, warmly encourages our talmidim to become passionately committed to Torah learning. Over 50 percent of our talmidim received awards for learning bein hazmanim, 75 percent master an entire masechta or two each year, 55 percent study Torah in a learning program over the summer, more than 40 percent review an entire masechta over the summer, and 20 percent stay voluntarily for 2 hours of Night Seder every night of the week. The passion for Torah among our talmidim is palpable in the exciting Kol Torah that can be heard in the Heichal Bais Medrash each day.

“Our yeshiva’s goal is to guide each student to develop his full potential.”
Every Heichal student has unique qualities and strengths. Our yeshiva’s goal is to guide each student to develop his full potential. Partnering with Rav Daniel Schwechter, Mashgiach; Rav Chaim Marcus, Mashpiah; and Dr. Ari Klein, Director of Guidance, mentoring each student and tracking his four-year growth trajectory is the most meaningful part of my day.
“Heichal is dedicated to making sure your son loves to come to yeshiva every day.”
Our student life program consists of over 30 extra-curricular clubs that meet during the regular yeshiva day. In addition, at least once a month every boy experiences a fun program, awesome trip or life-altering Shabbaton. Heichal is dedicated to making sure your son loves to come to yeshiva every day. Walking through the halls, you see boys smiling and having a great time. Heichal is one of the most fun places in the world!

Rav Aryeh Stechler
Rosh Yeshiva & Dean