חנוך לנער על פי דרכו
גם כי יזקין לא יסור ממנו
Caring for Each Neshama Like It’s Our Own Child


at heichal HaTorah
The warmth and care at Heichal is something you cannot find anywhere else. The careful attention and detail given to each student in guiding them through their academic needs and their overall growth is immeasurable. At Heichal a student’s confidence soars since he is celebrated for what makes him special. Rabbi Stechler‘s guidance and insight is something you will not find anywhere else from a head of school. He does not sit behind a desk, he is part and parcel of the daily life at Heichal.
The warmth and care at Heichal is something you cannot find anywhere else. The careful attention and detail given to each student in guiding them through their academic needs and their overall growth is immeasurable. At Heichal a student’s confidence soars since he is celebrated for what makes him special. Rabbi Stechler‘s guidance and insight is something you will not find anywhere else from a head of school. He does not sit behind a desk, he is part and parcel of the daily life at Heichal.

Are you stressed out about your science test? Need help writing your essay? Can’t decide what to do this summer? High school is full of decisions and dilemmas and the Heichal Guidance Department is here to help! We have a large team with a variety of specialties and backgrounds.

Talmidim can schedule a meeting or drop into one of the guidance offices to shmooze. We are invested in every talmid’s emotional, social, spiritual, and academic growth. In addition to their rebbeim and hanhala, talmidim also have members of the guidance team closely monitoring their progress and development. A point of pride at Heichal is the strong kesher we have with the talmidim. The guidance team knows all of the talmidim and all the talmidim know the guidance team!


Another area of focus is academic support. Students receive assistance with planning, studying, note taking, and just about anything else that will help them excel scholastically. Students with learning challenges are provided with a Student Plan and we work with teachers, rebbeim, and administrators to provide targeted accommodations such as extra time for tests, assistive technology, texts and exams in audio format, and more.
The Guidance Team frequently communicates with parents and is accessible to speak by phone, email, or in person. We are also in touch with outside service providers such as therapists, physicians, tutors, and Bergen County Special Services.
Dr. Ariel Klein

Dr. Ariel Klein

Dr. Ariel Klein serves as Heichal’s Director of Guidance. Dr. Klein has served in a variety of leadership roles in schools, community organizations, and summer camps.
Most recently, he helped grow MTA’s academic support programs as the Learning Center Coordinator.
Dr. Klein is a certified school psychologist. He earned a Master’s degree in School Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University and completed his doctoral course work at Rutgers Graduate School for Applied and Professional Psychology.
Dr. Klein previously graduated from Yeshiva University and The Marsha Stern Talmudical Academy (MTA), and spent time learning abroad at Yeshivat Shaarei Mevaseret Zion.
His main role at Heichal is to help students navigate their social-emotional and academic challenges. He works hand-in-hand with parents and teachers to support the students’ needs. Dr. Klein’s warm, caring and fun personality make him easily approachable and his office a favorite hang-out for students.


Rabbi Dr. Benjy Leibowitz received semicha from Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, his Master’s and Psy.D. in School Psychology degrees from Rutgers Graduate School of Professional Psychology, as well as a Master’s degree from the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration.
Benjy has gained work experience in several clinical and school- based settings. As a psychologist, Benjy currently works in a private practice primarily treating teenagers and young adults providing both comprehensive psychological evaluations and therapeutic interventions. He has worked as a school psychologist in Marlboro High School, Princeton High School, and most recently Tenafly High School.

Personalized Growth
חנוך לנער על פי דרכו​

Guidance Department

We believe that it is our responsibility to ensure the social, emotional, and spiritual development of each child. Our guidance department comprises senior rebbeim and experienced professionals who meet with students regularly to discuss and address any challenges they may be confronting and help plan for their futures.
Our yeshiva is small enough to afford each student personal attention, while large enough to maintain a robust roster of professionals equipped to navigate the numerous challenges and opportunities of the high school years.
The adolescent years are fraught with questions and challenges, particularly in this age of technology and open society. Heichal has both a Mashgiach and Mashpiah, who both spend hours each day meeting individually Heichal talmidim. Rav Daniel Schwechter, former Mashgaich of Westchester Day School and now the Mashgiach of Heichal, is known for his ability to inspire all high school boys and connect them with Hashem in a deep and meaningful way. Whether it is a masterful mashal or an intricate piece of chassidus, Rav Schwechter finds a way to connect with the hearts and souls of all our talmidim.
Rav Chaim Marcus, Rabbi of Springfield, NJ and formerly senior rebbe at Bruriah High School, serves as the Heichal Mashpiah. Both parents and talmidim flock to speak with him privately to receive his world-renowned compassionate advice on raising children and growing up in these challenging times. His inspiring divrei Torah radiate throughout Heichal’s bais medrash and bring exciting ruach to our tisches.

Heichal provided a warm home that made me feel excited about the life I was going to lead in my future. They gave me constant hope and optimism for my success even when I was not at my best. The level of achdus amongst Rabbeim and students is something I will cherish for life.


My experience with Heichal HaTorah was a really positive one. The rabbeim at Heichal are really caring and always there for each and every talmid. It was really beautiful being part of an institution that stands for Torah and the spreading of Torah. I had such a wonderful time at Heichal that I wish I could go back!





Rabbi Avi Epstein, also known as Rav Av, is a passionate educator known for inspiring and empowering students to reach their potential. He has a strong background in education, having spent significant time at Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim and the Mesivta of Waterbury, where he created programs to boost students’ self-esteem and academic success. He currently is the Dean of Student Life, Director of Admissions, and 9th Grade Mashgiach, continuing his dedication to student growth. He has also contributed to the smooth operation of camps through his involvement with Camp Shoresh and Campify. Overall, Rav Av is a transformative figure in education and a source of inspiration.

Rav-Zev-Senter_1 (1)



After studying in Israel for three years at Kerem B’Yavneh, Rav Zev Senter received his B.S. in Accounting from Lander College, where he learned under the guidance of Rav Eliyahu Soloveitchik and Rav Yonason Sacks. Rav Senter serves as a rebbe in Heichal and is the director of Camp Shoko.

Rav Chaim Marcus

Rav Chaim Marcus

Rav Chaim Marcus is the Heichal Mashpiah and also teaches an Iyun shiur to seniors. Rav Marcus studied under Rav Aharon Lichtenstein zt”l, at Yeshivat Har Etzion, and earned his semicha at RIETS, Yeshiva University. In addition to serving as the morah d’asrah of Congregation Israel of Springfield (CIS), Rav Marcus was the Senior Halacha Rabbi of Bruriah High School for Girls for nearly two decades, and leads the Semichat Chaver program at CIS. “It is an honor that Rav Marcus, one of the most influential and inspirational rabbis in our community, has chosen Heichal to continue to his illustrious chinuch career,” said Rav Stechler.
Rav Daniel Schwechter

Rav Daniel Schwechter

Rav Daniel Schwechter is the Heichal Mashgiach and an Iyun rebbe. Rav Schwechter learned in Yeshivat Reishit for one year under Rav Chaim Soloveitchik, and at YU under Rav Baruch Simon. Rav Schwechter has an undergraduate degree in Psychology, from Yeshiva University. He received semichah from Rav Schachter after learning in his kollel for three years, two of which he spent in the satellite kollel in the DRS beis medrash with Rosh Kollel Rav Shmuel Marcus. After receiving semichah, he became a rebbe at Westchester Day School, and eventually became the Mashgiach Ruchani. Rav Schwechter is the rav of a teen minyan on Shabbos. Rav Schwechter is renowned for his commitment to and connection with all types of talmidim.
Israel guidance focuses on the year following graduation with the goal of finding a yeshiva in Israel that will help each talmid take the next steps in the Torah learning and growth in Avodas HaShem. Rav Stechler, Rav Komet, Rav Marcus and Rav Schwechter work closely with all the yeshivos in Israel to evaluate their suitability for our talmidim. Heichal invites yeshiva representatives to visit our yeshiva and speak with our talmidim in person. It is the policy of Heichal not to promote any specific yeshiva, but rather, to assist our talmidim and their parents in finding two yeshivas that fit for each talmid’s educational needs, learning styles, and hashkafic outlooks. Heichal also believes that each talmid and his parents should consider whether learning in Israel is in the talmid’s best interest. Some talmidim may choose to stay in Heichal Bais Medrash, or another Bais Medrash in America, and learn in Israel at a later stage of their lives.

Heichal Graduates attend the following Yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael:

Rav Daniel Schwechter

Rav Daniel Schwechter

Rav Daniel Schwechter is the Heichal Mashgiach and an Iyun rebbe. Rav Schwechter learned in Yeshivat Reishit for one year under Rav Chaim Soloveitchik, and at YU under Rav Baruch Simon. Rav Schwechter has an undergraduate degree in Psychology, from Yeshiva University. He received semichah from Rav Schachter after learning in his kollel for three years, two of which he spent in the satellite kollel in the DRS beis medrash with Rosh Kollel Rav Shmuel Marcus. After receiving semichah, he became a rebbe at Westchester Day School, and eventually became the Mashgiach Ruchani. Rav Schwechter is the rav of a teen minyan on Shabbos. Rav Schwechter is renowned for his commitment to and connection with all types of talmidim.
Rav Dovid Komet

Rav Dovid Komet

A close talmid of Rav Meir Twersky, shlit”a, Rav Dovid Komet also studied under the tutelage of Rav Hershel Schachter, shlit”a, and in the Kollel Elyon. Rav Komet received a B.A. in Mathematics from Yeshiva College. He later became a Meishiv at the RJJ Yeshiva of Edison. Over the past two decades, Rav Komet developed a stellar reputation as a master mechanech and talmid chacham. After many years as the tenth grade rebbe and pre-Calculus and Calculus teacher at Moshe Aaron Yeshiva High School, Rav Komet served as Menahel of MAYHS for three years. For the last several years, he has served as S’gan Menahel of Shaarei Tzion in Piscataway, NJ. Rav Komet is respected for his sincere and warm personality, coupled with a sharp sense of humor, which enables him to form life-long relationships with his talmidim. Rav Komet serves as our tenth grade rebbe and Honors Mathematics teacher at Heichal.
Early in senior year, parents are invited to the yeshiva for “Yeshiva and College Night,” to learn from our College Guidance Coordinator, Eli Katz, and Academic Dean, Rabbi Maccabee Avishur, about the college application and admission process. Heichal coordinates standardized testing for all students, including SATs and ACTs. Each student and family will meet with the College Guidance Coordinator and Academic Dean to create a personalized plan for college application and admission, and to develop a competitive high school resume (e.g., with the inclusion of extracurricular activities).
In addition, Heichal coordinates career fairs, individual guidance sessions and professional mentorships to help each student plan his career aspirations.

Heichal recommends the following yeshiva and college programs (although we work with students and their parents to gain acceptance to the college of their choice):


Yeshiva University’s Honors and Masmidim Programs

Touro’s Lander College Honors Program

Heichal Bais Medrash and College Program

Yeshivas Ner Yisroel and Johns Hopkins Program

For the first week of Freshman year, all students receive explicit instruction in areas of basic high school readiness from our expert teachers and faculty.

This provides an opportunity for students to get a jump start on high school and is in addition to the skills training that is already integrated in the 9th grade curricula.

As a parent of a new fresh 9th grader, we didn’t know what to expect. We had heard of the legendary warm environment present in the halls and classrooms of Heichal HaTorah but we weren’t sure how quickly our son would acclimate. Fast forward to mid-October and our findings have exceeded our wildest expectations. Every last Rabbi, teacher, administrator, and faculty member has been operating in the most nurturing and supportive way from day one. Every decision made by any and all staff is governed by a single principle – what is best for the talmid. We see this dynamic both consistently and deliberately, as this culture is embedded into the very fibers of what this institution was founded on. We are so happy and fortunate to have been invited to join this Heichal family. We have no doubt this cocoon will be the optimum place for our son to grow.


Topics include:

Motivation & Attitude

Taking Notes

Classroom Participation

Writing Skills

Organizing & Planning


Presenters Include:

Rabbi Heller

Mr. Tauber

Dr. Master

Big Brothers Program

Starting high school is a challenge! Heichal Big Brothers are here to help!

Heichal Big Brothers are 11th and 12th grade volunteers who are available to help 9th grade students with whatever they need. Each Freshman has a personal Big Brother specifically matched to fit his personality and interests. Big Brothers serve as mentors and advisors both informally (shmoozing at lunch, playing ball in the gym, giving guidance about classes) and at formal programs like teambuilding activities, sponsored meals out, and trips. The experience has been a highlight for Freshman and Big Brothers alike, and many still keep in touch years later even after graduating Heichal.

As a new Heichal parent, I am so impressed with the love and care given to each Talmid. This yeshiva is a true example of what a Torah institution should be like. Even though it’s an institution, it’s run like a big family. The warmth and thought given into each thing is beyond.


Our son actually does love being in school! He comes home from school very happy and frequently has a story about some surprise student life activity that was offered that day. His Rebbeim, and older students, are warm and inspiring role models for him. The Heichal administration and Rav Stechler make the parents and students feel like they’re part of one big family.


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