Heichal Is My Home Bais
Heichal HaTorah is dedicated
to providing a classic yeshiva education and superior general studies program with excitement, warmth, and passion for growth.
Heichal strikes the perfect balance between limudei kodesh, limudei chol, physical activity, spiritual growth, derech eretz, and time for the students to hang out. There is support for the talmidim on all levels. The administration actually listens to the parent body and is very supportive. I feel that my son is in the best possible place to facilitate his growth and development on many levels. I can’t say enough about this incredible Yeshiva.
Heichal strikes the perfect balance between limudei kodesh, limudei chol, physical activity, spiritual growth, derech eretz, and time for the students to hang out. There is support for the talmidim on all levels. The administration actually listens to the parent body and is very supportive. I feel that my son is in the best possible place to facilitate his growth and development on many levels. I can’t say enough about this incredible Yeshiva.

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Our son graduated from Heichal. His experience was amazing on so many levels—the Rebbeim, the learning, the secular education, the social aspect, the sports, the trips. His brothers in 11th grade love it too!
For the past decade Heichal has successfully achieved our four-pronged mission:
כי הם חיינו – to create bnei Torah who are passionate about their learning and avodas Hashem, יפה תלמוד תורה עם דרך ארץ to offer an unparalleled general studies program preparing students for college and their careers, חנוך לנער על פי דרכו, to personally guide each child on a course to achieve his unique dreams, and עבדו את ה’ בשמחה – to provide a fun and electric environment where our boys have the time of their lives each day.
How do we accomplish these lofty goals with each and every one of our talmidim – our banim? The key is our remarkable team. Our team consists of 5 full-time Principals, 4 Mashgichim, 3 Guidance Counselors, 20 Rebbeim, and 18 General Studies Teachers. Each one is among the best in their respective fields, and they are all wholly dedicated to guiding and caring for each student as if it was their own child.
In this book, you’ll delve into each of our core mission points and meet the dedicated team that works tirelessly to realize the Heichal vision.

כי הם חיינו ואורך ימינו ובהם נהגה יומם ולילה
At Heichal, we focus on encouraging our young men to grow in their davening and avodas Hashem. Our limudei Kodesh program is modeled after the classic Yeshiva sedarim schedule, six days of learning and two night seders. Over 50 talmidim voluntarily opt to attend night seder four nights a week, for two hours a night. Every talmid learns and masters a masechta each year, and acquires advanced reading and analytical skills to learn Gemara and meforshim on their own. The boys relish hour after hour in the Bais Medrash, inside yeshiva and in their communities. The vast majority elect to attend summer learning programs, where they review the masechta they learned during the year.
Our outstanding team of rebbeim, led by Rav Avi Oberlander, Judaic Studies Principal, warmly encourage our talmidim to become passionately committed to Torah learning. While they are globally recognized for their Torah scholarship, their true success lies in forging enduring bonds with each talmid. Each of our rebbeim is a dancing sefer Torah, who demonstrates to the talmidim that Torah is more precious than gold.
יפה תלמוד תורה עם דרך ארץ
Heichal’s second goal is to offer a rigorous four-year general studies program to prepare students for college and their careers. Your son’s career is our business. Heichal has been recognized for excellence in general studies by The Wall Street Journal. (See the full article on pages 40-41 for details). This distinguished program is under the capable leadership of Dr. Seth Taylor, our Academic Dean of Students, who boasts over two decades of successful experience as a General Studies Principal at MTA. Additionally, Dr. Josh Strulowitz, our Director of Faculty Advancement, is dedicated to ensuring that every member of our esteemed general studies faculty consistently implements the best practices of teaching. Our teaching staff is composed of veteran educators who exhibit exceptional pedagogical skills and a profound commitment to fostering positive student engagement.
In our commitment to tailored education, we maintain four small, tracked classes for each subject matter that prioritize individualized learning for each student. Our institution boasts a robust STEM department, whose faculty members have received accolades as award-winning public school educators from Bergen County schools, all provided through the TEACHNJ program. Furthermore, our History and English program, known as the Tikvah Program in the Humanities at Heichal, follows a neoclassical curriculum crafted by the Tikvah Fund and staffed by Tikvah’s world-renowned educators.
חנוך לנער על פי דרכו גם כי יזקין לא יסור ממנה
At Heichal, every talmid is a bright star that shines uniquely with his own set of distinct qualities and unparalleled strengths. It is the cherished mission of our yeshiva to meticulously guide each individual, enabling them to flourish and reach their highest potential.
Under the expert stewardship of Rav Daniel Schwechter, Mashgiach, and Rav Chaim Marcus, Mashpiah, our esteemed team of 4 mashgichim meet with students on an individual basis, ensuring personalized attention and fostering spiritual growth. Meanwhile, Dr. Ari Klein, our Director of Guidance, helms a dedicated team of 4 guidance counselors and an exceptional academic support unit. This guidance team works in close collaboration with parents and teachers to address and cater to each student’s academic needs, ensuring a holistic approach to their educational journey. The privilege of mentoring each student, overseeing their unique four-year journey of growth and transformation, remains the most rewarding and poignant aspect of my day.
עבדו את ה’ בשמחה
Our comprehensive student life program boasts an impressive array of over 30 extracurricular clubs, seamlessly integrated into the regular yeshiva day schedule. These clubs span a diverse range of interests including sports, media, academia, and technology, aiming to nurture not just hobbies but true life-long passions in every talmid.
Heichal holds the distinct honor of being the only yeshiva with a championship basketball team that garnered national coverage on ESPN. Furthermore, each month brings with it invigorating programs, memorable excursions, or transformative Shabbaton experiences. At Heichal, our fourth mission is to ensure that each student eagerly anticipates coming to yeshiva daily. A stroll through our corridors reveals an electric atmosphere: smiles beaming with genuine happiness.

Rav Aryeh Stechler