
Shabbatonim are unique opportunities for bonding between talmidim and their friends and rebbeim, and are considered an integral part of the Heichal experience. Several times throughout the year, we gather in Monsey, Passaic, or Bergenfield for an “In Shabbos.” The davening, meals, onegs, and sedarim during those weekends create a joyful and uplifting environment that carries forward to the yeshiva and beyond.

Additionally, twice a year, the entire yeshiva travels to a special location for a Shabbos of fun and inspiration. Whether the setting is a camp in the mountains or a giant mansion, the change of scenery and fresh air inspire our talmidim to build a more meaningful connection to Hashem.

Highlights of our Shabbatonim include lively singing and dancing, a Leil Shabbos Tisch, delicious seudos, words of Torah and inspiration from the Rosh Yeshiva, rebbeim, and select talmidim, a gala Motzei Shabbos barbecue, picturesque hikes and an array of sports and tournaments. Many of our rebbeim live in the same communities as our talmidim, and invite them over for Shabbos and Yom Tov meals. This serves to strengthen the integral rebbe-talmid bond.

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