9th Grade Rebbeim

Rav Pesach Skulnick
Rav Pesach Skulnick talking to a Heichal talmidim


Rav Pesach Skulnick is the Senior Ram and 9th grade Rebbe and the first Rebbe who partnered with Rav Stechler to form Heichal.

Rav Skulnick learned in Ner Yisroel in Baltimore for 17 years and offered an afternoon chaburah to advanced students. Hundreds of Ner Yisroel talmidim consider Rav Skulnick their Rebbe Muvhak.

He has spent the last 15 summers at Camp Romimu, where he teaches the ninth grade shiur. He completed his undergraduate degree and CPA studies at the University of Maryland. He studied in Kerem B’ Yavneh for two years. Rav Skulnick’s warm and personable character, coupled with his deep concern for the religious and emotional development of each talmid, make him one of the most sought-after rebbeim in the country.

Rav Skulnick enjoys playing basketball with the talmidim and often invites them over to his home to enjoy the Rebbetzin’s baking.


Rav Ronen Dvash grew up in Staten Island, New York. He learned in the Beis Medrash L’Talmud/Lander College Kollel for nine years while earning semichah and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Touro University. Rav Dvash was the Rav of Ohr HaTorah of Kew Gardens Hills for many years. Currently he is a Rebbe at Heichal and a Rebbe at Machon Ora in Passaic, NJ.


Rav Shimon Kronenberg learned in Yeshivat Sha’alvim as well as Yeshivas Ohr Hachaim. While in Ohr Hachaim, he attended Touro College, majoring in Judaic Studies. Rav Kronenberg taught Gemara at Yeshivat Noam and worked for NCSY as a summer camp rebbe and chapter director. Rav Kronenberg serves as a Rebbe at Heichal, Heichal Facilities Manager and leader of the Heichal Chesed Club.


Rav Dani Staum received semichah from the renowned Rav Berel Wein and graduated from Fordham University with a Masters in Social Work, with a special focus on adolescent mental health.

He has served as a division head at Camp Dora Golding as well as rebbe, teacher, general studies principal, and guidance counselor at several top-tier yeshivas and day schools. A sought-after speaker and noted author on issues relating to the mental health of teenage boys, Rav Staum has distinguished himself as a leader in the guidance of young men.

Rabbi Staum serves as a 9th grade Rebbe at Heichal and he has authored and edited many Heichal publications.

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