Big Brothers Program

As a new Heichal parent, I am so impressed with the love and care given to each Talmid. This yeshiva is a true example of what a Torah institution should be like. Even though it’s an institution, it’s run like a big family. The warmth and thought given into each thing is beyond.
Michal Feuer, Heichal Parent
Starting high school is a challenge! Heichal Big Brothers are here to help!
Heichal Big Brothers are 11th and 12th grade volunteers who are available to help 9th grade students with whatever they need. Each Freshman has a personal Big Brother specifically matched to fit his personality and interests. Big Brothers serve as mentors and advisors both informally (shmoozing at lunch, playing ball in the gym, giving guidance about classes) and at formal programs like teambuilding activities, sponsored meals out, and trips. The experience has been a highlight for Freshman and Big Brothers alike, and many still keep in touch years later even after graduating Heichal.