College Guidance

Early in senior year, parents are invited to the yeshiva for “Yeshiva and College Night,” to learn from our College Guidance Coordinator, Eli Katz, and Academic Dean, Rabbi Maccabee Avishur, about the college application and admission process. Heichal coordinates standardized testing for all students, including SATs and ACTs. Each student and family will meet with the College Guidance Coordinator and Academic Dean to create a personalized plan for college application and admission, and to develop a competitive high school resume (e.g., with the inclusion of extracurricular activities).
In addition, Heichal coordinates career fairs, individual guidance sessions and professional mentorships to help each student plan his career aspirations.
Heichal recommends the following yeshiva and college programs (although we work with students and their parents to gain acceptance to the college of their choice):
Yeshiva University’s Honors and Masmidim Programs
Touro’s Lander College Honors Program
Heichal Bais Medrash and College Program
Yeshivas Ner Yisroel and Johns Hopkins Program

Mr. Eli Katz
Mr. Eli Katz teaches History at Heichal as well as serving as our College Guidance Coordinator. Mr. Katz learned at Yeshivat HaKotel for 2 years and then studied History at Yeshiva University with a minor in Judaic Studies. Mr. Katz began his teaching career in Philadelphia where he served as a member of the history faculty, religious guidance advisor, varsity boys’ basketball coach, and assistant athletic director at Kohelet Yeshiva High School. A few years ago, he moved to the New York area where he served as the upper school athletic director and boys’ baseball and basketball coach at Ramaz and taught at TABC. For the past five years, Mr. Katz has served as the assistant basketball coach for the YU men’s team. Mr. Katz’s commitment to children and Jewish education began early. As a college student, he was an advisor and program coordinator for NCSY, tutored public school students in Washington Heights, and served as president of YU’s aspiring educators club, Al Pi Darko. When Mr. Katz isn’t working, you can find him running or baking, two activities which may seem designed to offset one another.