Curriculum Limudei Kodesh

Over the four years my son spent at Heichal, he grew in knowledge, skill, confidence and maturity. I am so grateful to the Heichal administration and staff for helping my son grow into the best version of himself!


Heichal HaTorah’s primary goal is to inspire our talmidim to deepen their relationship with Hashem; to love Torah learning, to daven passionately, and to develop exemplary midos.

We strive to develop our talmidim into true b’nei Torah who view life through the prism of Torah.

The yeshiva’s second goal is to equip our talmidim with the tools to become talmidei chachamim by enabling them to read and analyze the Gemara with rishonim and acharonim. Additionally, our students achieve the successful mastery of a complete masechta of Gemara every year. Independent and chavrusah learning skills are honed through numerous sedarim in the beis medrash and during night seder.

These goals are achieved because of our all-star team of rebbeim who are renowned for their vast bekius in Shas, their sophisticated analysis of the most difficult sugyas, and the ability to convey their knowledge in a clear and dynamic manner. The relationships they form with their talmidim motivate the boys to emulate their scholarship and commitment to Judaism.


Gemara Iyun
9:10  – 11:10 AM

Our talmidim study a challenging masechta each year with the goal of acquiring skills to “make a leining” on Gemara, Rashi, Tosafos, and other major rishonim and acharonim. Our rebbeim provide outstanding training in the analysis of each word and its implication. They teach students to uncover the conceptual underpinnings of the sugya. Significant time is allotted to chavrusah learning, as talmidim prepare for and review the shiur.

Gemara Bekius

12:40 – 2:00 PM

A second masechta is selected each year for bekius learning. Each talmid masters an entire masechta each year. Talmidim take regular bechinos on dapim and perakim, culminating in a year-end masechta bechina. Talmidim of the Yeshiva will complete four of the following Masechtas: Berachos, Rosh Hashanah, Megillah, Succah, Kiddushin, Gittin or Sotah. There is no prouder moment for our yeshiva or our parents than when our talmidim stand proudly at the podium at the end of the year to recite the Hadran on the masechtos that they have learned and then recite it once again after the summer when they make another siyum on the same masechta, which they reviewed over the summer.


Halacha and Chumash
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM

Every morning, talmidim study halacha. The Yeshiva follows a four-year cycle that completes the entire Kitzur Shulchan Aruch and Kitzur Hilchos Shabbos. This provides the requisite knowledge for our talmidim to live a life of diligent shemiras hamitzvos. Heichal talmidim learn parshas hashavuah with Rashi and other meforshim on a daily basis. Our rebbeim stress the fact that the Torah informs and inspires our avodas Hashem and everyday lives.



Our Rosh Yeshiva, Hanhallah, and rebbeim present motivational speeches before or after shacharis, mincha and maariv. Derech eretz is emphasized as an essential characteristic of a ben Torah. Drawing from seforim that teach mussar in a positive manner inspires our talmidim to daven, live, and learn with passion and excitement.


Night Seder
Mondays and ThursdayS
7:00 – 7:55 PM followed by Maariv

Monday night seder offers our talmidim the opportunity to participate in dynamic chaburahs offered by older mentors from upper-classmen and the Heichal Bais Medrash. These mentors serve as role models and participate in Heichal trips, special events, and Shabbatons. On Thursday nights, all talmidim review Bekius with their rebbeim. The talmidim daven maariv together as a yeshiva at 7:55 PM.

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