Boot Camp
For the first week of Freshman year, all students receive explicit instruction in areas of basic high school readiness from our expert teachers and faculty.
This provides an opportunity for students to get a jump start on high school and is in addition to the skills training that is already integrated in the 9th grade curricula.
As a parent of a new fresh 9th grader, we didn’t know what to expect. We had heard of the legendary warm environment present in the halls and classrooms of Heichal HaTorah but we weren’t sure how quickly our son would acclimate. Fast forward to mid-October and our findings have exceeded our wildest expectations. Every last Rabbi, teacher, administrator, and faculty member has been operating in the most nurturing and supportive way from day one. Every decision made by any and all staff is governed by a single principle – what is best for the talmid. We see this dynamic both consistently and deliberately, as this culture is embedded into the very fibers of what this institution was founded on. We are so happy and fortunate to have been invited to join this Heichal family. We have no doubt this cocoon will be the optimum place for our son to grow.
Yosef Golubchik, Heichal Parent
Yosef Golubchik, Heichal Parent
Topics include:
Motivation & Attitude
Taking Notes
Classroom Participation
Writing Skills
Organizing & Planning
Presenters include:
Rabbi Avishur
Rabbi Heller
Mr. Tauber
Mr. Roher
Dr. Master
Mr. Roher
Mr. Katz