Israel Guidance

Israel guidance focuses on the year following graduation with the goal of finding a yeshiva in Israel that will help each talmid take the next steps in the Torah learning and growth in Avodas HaShem. Rav Stechler, Rav Komet, Rav Marcus and Rav Schwechter work closely with all the yeshivos in Israel to evaluate their suitability for our talmidim. Heichal invites yeshiva representatives to visit our yeshiva and speak with our talmidim in person. It is the policy of Heichal not to promote any specific yeshiva, but rather, to assist our talmidim and their parents in finding two yeshivas that fit for each talmid’s educational needs, learning styles, and hashkafic outlooks. Heichal also believes that each talmid and his parents should consider whether learning in Israel is in the talmid’s best interest. Some talmidim may choose to stay in Heichal Bais Medrash, or another Bais Medrash in America, and learn in Israel at a later stage of their lives.

Heichal Graduates attend the following Yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael:

 Yeshivat Sha’alvim

Rav Dovid Komet

A close talmid of Rav Meir Twersky, shlit”a, Rav Dovid Komet also studied under the tutelage of Rav Hershel Schachter, shlit”a, and in the Kollel Elyon. Rav Komet received a B.A. in Mathematics from Yeshiva College. He later became a Meishiv at the RJJ Yeshiva of Edison. Over the past two decades, Rav Komet developed a stellar reputation as a master mechanech and talmid chacham. After many years as the tenth grade rebbe and pre-Calculus and Calculus teacher at Moshe Aaron Yeshiva High School, Rav Komet served as Menahel of MAYHS for three years. For the last several years, he has served as S’gan Menahel of Shaarei Tzion in Piscataway, NJ. Rav Komet is respected for his sincere and warm personality, coupled with a sharp sense of humor, which enables him to form life-long relationships with his talmidim. Rav Komet serves as our tenth grade rebbe and Honors Mathematics teacher at Heichal.

Rav Daniel Schwechter

Rav Daniel Schwechter is the Heichal Mashgiach and an Iyun rebbe. Rav Schwechter learned in Yeshivat Reishit for one year under Rav Chaim Soloveitchik, and at YU under Rav Baruch Simon. Rav Schwechter has an undergraduate degree in Psychology, from Yeshiva University. He received semichah from Rav Schachter after learning in his kollel for three years, two of which he spent in the satellite kollel in the DRS beis medrash with Rosh Kollel Rav Shmuel Marcus. After receiving semichah, he became a rebbe at Westchester Day School, and eventually became the Mashgiach Ruchani. Rav Schwechter is the rav of a teen minyan on Shabbos. Rav Schwechter is renowned for his commitment to and connection with all types of talmidim.

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