Are you stressed out about your science test? Need help writing your essay? Can’t decide what to do this summer? High school is full of decisions and dilemmas and the Heichal Guidance Department is here to help! We have a large team with a variety of specialties and backgrounds.
Talmidim can schedule a meeting or drop into one of the guidance offices to shmooze. We are invested in every talmid’s emotional, social, spiritual, and academic growth. In addition to their rebbeim and hanhala, talmidim also have members of the guidance team closely monitoring their progress and development. A point of pride at Heichal is the strong kesher we have with the talmidim. The guidance team knows all of the talmidim and all the talmidim know the guidance team!

“We are invested in every talmid’s emotional, social, spiritual, and academic growth.”
Another area of focus is academic support. Students receive assistance with planning, studying, note taking, and just about anything else that will help them excel scholastically. Students with learning challenges are provided with a Student Plan and we work with teachers, rebbeim, and administrators to provide targeted accommodations such as extra time for tests, assistive technology, texts and exams in audio format, and more.
The Guidance Team frequently communicates with parents and is accessible to speak by phone, email, or in person. We are also in touch with outside service providers such as therapists, physicians, tutors, and Bergen County Special Services.

Dr. Ariel Klein