Spiritual Guidance

Heichal provided a warm home that made me feel excited about the life I was going to lead in my future. They gave me constant hope and optimism for my success even when I was not at my best. The level of achdus amongst Rabbeim and students is something I will cherish for life.
Heichal Alumnus
The adolescent years are fraught with questions and challenges, particularly in this age of technology and open society. Heichal has both a Mashgiach and Mashpiah, who both spend hours each day meeting individually Heichal talmidim. Rav Daniel Schwechter, former Mashgaich of Westchester Day School and now the Mashgiach of Heichal, is known for his ability to inspire all high school boys and connect them with Hashem in a deep and meaningful way. Whether it is a masterful mashal or an intricate piece of chassidus, Rav Schwechter finds a way to connect with the hearts and souls of all our talmidim.
Rav Chaim Marcus, Rabbi of Springfield, NJ and formerly senior rebbe at Bruriah High School, serves as the Heichal Mashpiah. Both parents and talmidim flock to speak with him privately to receive his world-renowned compassionate advice on raising children and growing up in these challenging times. His inspiring divrei Torah radiate throughout Heichal’s bais medrash and bring exciting ruach to our tisches.

My experience with Heichal HaTorah was a really positive one. The rabbeim at Heichal are really caring and always there for each and every talmid. It was really beautiful being part of an institution that stands for Torah and the spreading of Torah. I had such a wonderful time at Heichal that I wish I could go back!
Shua Wilhelm, Heichal Alumnus

Rav Chaim Marcus
Rav Chaim Marcus is the Heichal Mashpiah and also teaches an Iyun shiur to seniors. Rav Marcus studied under Rav Aharon Lichtenstein zt”l, at Yeshivat Har Etzion, and earned his semicha at RIETS, Yeshiva University. In addition to serving as the morah d’asrah of Congregation Israel of Springfield (CIS), Rav Marcus was the Senior Halacha Rabbi of Bruriah High School for Girls for nearly two decades, and leads the Semichat Chaver program at CIS. “It is an honor that Rav Marcus, one of the most influential and inspirational rabbis in our community, has chosen Heichal to continue to his illustrious chinuch career,” said Rav Stechler.

Rav Daniel Schwechter
Rav Daniel Schwechter is the Heichal Mashgiach and an Iyun rebbe. Rav Schwechter learned in Yeshivat Reishit for one year under Rav Chaim Soloveitchik, and at YU under Rav Baruch Simon. Rav Schwechter has an undergraduate degree in Psychology, from Yeshiva University. He received semichah from Rav Schachter after learning in his kollel for three years, two of which he spent in the satellite kollel in the DRS beis medrash with Rosh Kollel Rav Shmuel Marcus. After receiving semichah, he became a rebbe at Westchester Day School, and eventually became the Mashgiach Ruchani. Rav Schwechter is the rav of a teen minyan on Shabbos. Rav Schwechter is renowned for his commitment to and connection with all types of talmidim.