Why do I love
teaching at Heichal?

Because of the people I work with, the students I teach and the truthful nature of the mission.
Mr. Eli Katz
The students, staff, and hanhala work together in tandem to provide the best experience for the talmidim. The ruach of camaraderie and respect among the talmidim, staff, and hanhalais really remarkable.
Rav Mordechai Reiss
Heichal’s vibe is one of happiness and comfort. The guys look out for one another. You can be comfortable being yourself. The rabbeim and talmidim are looking for ways to grow and help others grow as well.
Rav Avi Oberlander
Great environment of growth and warmth. Heichal is like no other. The talmidim here have each other’s backs and the rabbeim are always looking for ways to help talmidim in any way they can.
Rav Chaim Zev Senter
It is a very respectful environment and gives me opportunities to improve my professional capabilities
Mr. Christian Cortavarria
It is rewarding to see a talmid who joins Heichal unsure of where he may be headed and, in just a few years, he has clarity as to what the Ribono Shel Olom wants from him.
Rav Dovid Komet
The students are comfortable here. They love their teachers and the faculty members and it becomes readily apparent that, as they spend more time here, Heichal becomes a home to them rather than just an “educational institution”.
Mr. Chayim Tauber